Crumbly jacket potatoes with stuffed pork tenderloin and bimi - Celavita Ga naar de inhoud

Crumbly jacket potatoes with stuffed pork tenderloin and bimi

Give your dish just a little more attention and be surprised.

Main course
4 people
50 minutes



For the pork tenderloin:

  • 4 pork tenderloins à 100 g each
  • 4 pieces of blue cheese à 30 g each
  • 4 prickers
  • Pepper and salt, to taste
  • 2 tbsp butter



For the potatoes:

  • 800 g Cêlavíta potatoes (quarters)
  • 4 tbsp sunflower oil
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 1 sprig of rosemary, finely chopped
  • Pepper and salt, to taste


For the bimi:

  • 500 g bimi
  • 50 g almond shavings
  • 1 tbsp sunflower oil


Step 1:
Using a knife, make a hole in the middle of the pork tenderloin in which to put the cheese. Then close the hole with a skewer. Salt and pepper the pork tenderloins all around. Heat the butter in a large frying pan and fry the pork tenderloins on medium heat. Then place the pork tenderloins on an oven dish. Put them in the oven when the other garnishes are ready.


Step 2:
Blanch the bimi: Bring a large pan of water to the boil. Cook the bimi for about 2 minutes. Then spoon the bimi into a large bowl of cold water to cool back down. When the bimi has cooled down, drain well.
Bruner the almond meal in a dry frying pan over medium heat. Stir regularly until the almond meal is golden brown. Remove from the pan immediately.


Step 3:
Place the pork tenderloin in a preheated oven at 180 °C and cook further for about 10 minutes.


Step 4: 

Meanwhile, fry the potatoes over medium heat in a large pan with sunflower oil until golden brown. Do not add the butter and rosemary until the potatoes are almost done. Season the potatoes with salt and pepper.


Step 5: 

Wok the bimi on high heat with some sunflower oil for about 2 minutes.

Serve the pork tenderloin on top of the bimi, sprinkle with almond shavings and serve with the crumbly jacket potatoes.

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